Now more than ever, information about how to lose body fat and the
problems that face those who are overweight is a constant noise thats hard to ignore. Yet our modern society finds itself with an ever increasing obesity problem that now extends to even young children. The claims that many advertiser's make of a "quick and easy" weight loss remedy often end up as a frustrating journey that leaves us a few dollars poorer and still wondering is there an effective way to losing weight
How to loose belly fat
It's not just the accumulation of fat around your stomach that you need to lose. A more effective approach to riding yourself of unwanted belly fat starts with a program to lose all around fat
In order to start an effective way to lose fat, it is a good idea to understand how your body naturally uses its fat in the first place. There are many factors that effect how your body uses it's resources. How your body utilizes the resources that it gets are not only effected by the foods that you eat, but what you actively do on a regular basis as well as the amount of stress that you are under.
Part of the answer to losing weight has to do with the types of food that you body uses to fuel
itself with. When you eat your body uses the carbohydrates , fats and protein to fuel itself with.
The first fuel of choice for you is carbohydrates since they are quickly converted into blood sugar and absorbed in your bloodstream. Next, when there aren't enough carbs present to energize your activities the fuel of choice becomes fat. After fat is protein which makes up all of your vital organs such as the heart, liver and pancreas.
The trick to weight loss is to make your body choose to burn fat instead of it's preferred fuel
choice of carbohydrates. Burning primarily fat has a lot of advantages. Unlike carbs that burn in your system quickly and then can leave you feeling tired, your body burns fat slower and longer leaving you with lots of energy throughout the day. Your food craving will disappear a lot quicker. By eliminating excess carbs you will sleep better at night
Today there are many low carbohydrate eating plans such as Atkins or South Beach Diet that follow a low carb approach to weight loss. While these may seem to be new to many people trying to lose weight and more importantly body fat, muscle and fitness bodybuilders have been following low carb diets as a way to get lean for many, many years. By limiting the amount of carbs you are forcing your body to use fat as it's primary fuel
The second part of the answer to effective weight loss has to do with what you actively do on a regular basis. If you have the type of job that has a lot of physical demands like construction, then all you need to do is make the above changes to you diet by substituting low carb healthy foods. But many of us will need to combine an our eating plan with regular exercise.
Regular exercise will to two things for you to burn body fat: exercise increases muscle, and more muscle means a higher metabolism. secondly regular exercise itself will burn the energy as fat.
Therefore your steps in how to lose body fat is to limit the amount of carbs in your diet to force
your body to burn fat as fuel instead of sugar. Next is to provide a way to burn the fat with regular exercise. add to this recipe for success the proper amount of rest and you now know how to lose body fat effectively
Even with all the constant media blitz about how to lose weight, the most effective approach is not hard or complicated at all. Just limit the amount of simple carbohydrates that you eat and replace them with their low cab alternatives Instead of a doughnut in the morning, have an apple, stop drinking soda and start drinking more water, substitute Splenda in your coffee instead of sugar, the key is making a replacement, not to eliminate. And start moving. If you have a lot of weight to lose start with something that you can handle and progress from there with the goal of getting fit.Incorporating simple and easy changes into your life is the most effective way how to lose body fat