There's no real secret how to loose belly fat. Just burn more calories than you consume. But if you've been overweight for a long time, you know that is easier said than done. You may feel that you lack the motivation to follow an eating plan and exercise program to lose belly fat.
If you have been beating yourself up because of your "lack of willpower"
The problem has nothing to do with who you are as a person. Most other programs start with telling you what exercise to do and what eating plan to follow to lose belly fat , but nothing will work until the real culprit of sabotaging your efforts is dealt with.
How to loose belly fat has very little to do with will power or your "weak character"
Part of human nature is to continue to do what is familiar to us. It doesn't matter how healthy or destructive our current behavior is, we physically would rather do it than to change. This is especially true if the change involves our lifestyle. The problem arises when are desire (i.e we want to loose belly and and get fit) runs smack into our current behavior, and if you don't know
how to change...... the behavior usually wins out . And with our desires unfulfilled we become depresses, develop a sense of weakness in our character, and the feeling of being a slave to our behavior consumes us
This "behavior" is called a habit....It's what we all just......do. In fact all human behavior is made up of habits. Habits allow us to do complex things without having to think very much about it like driving a stick shift and talking to our friends in the car at the same time singing while playing the guitar. Habits are like being on auto pilot and this is a good thing to know since we want to form a good one.... like how to loose belly fat.
You can have all the knowledge in the world as to how to loose belly fat and get into super fit condition, but that knowledge is completely useless unless you have the right mindset to act upon it.
So how do you replace a old tired habit that's been holding you away from what you desire? How long does it take to change and go on auto pilot? because you want to know how to loose belly fat and be in shape by Summer.
Basically all human motivation involves just two things that happen in your mind and they are either pleasure or pain. We will decide to do something/anything based upon if we feel that the action will give us either pain or pleasure. This includes the speed and urgency that we apply to taking the action.
By far the greatest of these two motivators is pain. Do you remember December 31st. and your
planned New Year's Resolution to learn how to loose belly fat? The reason why you didn't follow through is because your mind associated more pain to making a change. You did this unconsciously (on auto pilot) even though you employed will power. This will happen
again come next Dec 31st.....unless you are completely dissatisfied with being out of shape
If you want to know how to loose belly fat and give yourself a reason to change, start by leveraging enough pain-inducers so that to remain is more painful as oppose to changing
Give your subconscious a healthy dose of pain. Do this by asking yourself enough pain-inducing questions: What will it cost me if I don't start losing belly fat? What has it already cost me emotionally and physically staying this way? How has my social life suffered? The key is to give yourself enough strong reasons why you should learn how to loose belly fat today. This is getting
leverage on a new behavior. Ask yourself these types of questions several times a day and watch your belly fat melt away as you start to follow you new program.
"I have found that 20 percent of any change is knowing how, but 80 percent is knowing why. If we gather a set of strong enough reasons to change, we can change in a minute something we've failed to change in years" Nietzsche
Learning how to loose belly fat starts with changing your bad habits first
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