"The best way to lose belly fat is to eat less, exercise more" . If you are overweight, how many times have you heard that one before? After all, that seems logical, Experts tell us that weight loss is all about calories in, calories out. and if one pound of fat contains 3500 calories, then by eliminating 500 calories with exercise and diet you will lose a pound of fat per week. According to the last 40 years of diet advice this is the "Best way to lose belly fat"
The trouble with this model in how to lose stomach fat isn't that this is the same approach that an anorexic person would take as their best way to lose belly fat and get super thin. Simply
depriving your body of food can have dangerous side effects and does not guarantee successful weight loss. For most people there is a better way to lose belly fat
Best way to lose belly fat is more about 'when' you eat
Japanese sumo wrestler should be the thinnest individuals in the world if calories in,calories out was the best way to lose belly fat. While in training, they workout for a total of 8 hours a day and traditionally eat only once a day usually before bedtime. But the reality is that they are very obese due mainly of what and more importantly when they eat
When you eat has a more profound effect on how your body deals with the amount of food that you feed it. The earlier in the day that eat to cover your energy cost will get and keep your metabolism revving throughout the day. By running on empty all day long then trying to live on the 500 calorie reduction diet you will dump in more fuel than your body can handle is not the best way to lose belly fat
The mistake that most of us make to lose belly fat and get fit is by waiting to long to eat between meals. If it's 7:00 p.m. and you haven't eaten since noon then rest assured that your appetite will be in control of you especially if you are in the buffet line
The best way to lose belly fat is to constantly eat so you never find yourself hungry and out of control
Eat as soon as you wake up in the morning: this will get your metabolism moving
Eat before you exercise: this will increase the number of calories that you will burn both before and after you exercise
Eat a total of five to six small meals a day: having five 400 calorie meals a day will make it seem like a lot of food
Eating often throughout the day will help your body continue to burn calories especially if you eat the right foods. Try to eat your biggest meal in the morning, this is your weapon as the best way to lose belly fat
Lose Belly Fat Fast

You want to lose belly fat fast but like most people you don't have the time or patience to do endless hours of jogging, walking or going to the gym And even the thought of spending a half hour on the stairmaster or lifecycle is boring. Besides, it looks like that takes a long time to
be effective and not a way to lose belly fat fast
Here is your eight week solution to lose belly fat fast:
Declare an all out cardio blitz to lose belly fat fast. This blitz will show you how to loose belly fat faster than any other cardio workout that you will ever see at the gym in a fraction of the time. The premise is simple: Instead of wasting half of your day lazily jogging on a lifecycle listening to your Ipod or reading the newspaper while "losing belly fat fast" hoping not to die of boredom first.
You are going to amp up your routine dramatically by alternating 20 seconds of maximum effort followed by 10 seconds to rest. Do eight of these interval reps with a preceding five minute warm-up and cool-down of lite jogging. The total time to do this fat burning workout is approx. 15 minutes. No time to read the paper while you workout anymore This really works to lose belly fat fast
Why is this so effective to lose belly fat fast ?
When you compare this workout to your ordinary aerobic workout you will actually burn more calories while doing the long and boring traditional cardio routine, it's what happens after the high intensity program that makes it so effective in losing not only belly fat, but overall body fat. Every High intensity workout like this will have your metabolism losing fat for up to 48 hours.
Following this approach to lose belly fat fast will improve your cardiovascular health goals faster as well. you will get fitter in less time High intensity interval training is the preferred way of training by top athletes in sports such as sprinting, boxing, wrestling and basketball - notice the lean and muscular development in these individuals in contrast to marathon runners who look
weak and gaunt
There is no doubt about it, this eight week cardio blitz to lose belly fat fast will work, but be warned, this will kick your butt and anyone who attempts this will find out that the cardio blit is no joke. At the most follow this program every two days allowing your body to rest. Over training will delay your goal to lose belly fat fast and can result in injury. The best approach is to incorporate this exercise into your overall routine.
For instance: Monday, Wednesday and Friday train with weights or resistance then on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday perform the cardio blitz
The cardio blitz can be applied to many different exercises like running, lifecycle, stairstepper, kettlebells, and the treadmill. just find something that you can enjoy doing for 15 grueling minutes. Hopes this helps in your quest to lose belly fat fast
lose belly fat fast
Exercises To Lose Belly Fat

Exercises to lose belly fat will help you maintain muscle as well as help you to lose overall body fat faster. Sculpting a lean body that includes exercises to lose belly fat will give you awesome confidence in your appearance and a great benefit to your health. All you need to do is know how to put it together in the real world
Before we begin, let's start with one undeniable fact about how to loose belly fat: It is very hard to lose belly fat with diet alone If you just diet, you can no doubt lose body weight but you will also decrease the amount of muscle that you have as well as slowing down your metabolism. as a result, when you return to normal eating. you will gain weight in the form of more fat.
The best exercises to lose belly fat
If it has been a while since you've exercised, it best to start out slowly and build up your endurance. Cardiovascular (cardio) exercises like lite jogging, walking, bike riding are good exercises to start burning belly fat and overall body fat. Aerobic exercise will also relieve stress and tension
Once you are doing regular aerobic exercises on a daily basis, it time to kick your program to lose belly fat into high gear. Aerobics are not only good exercises to lose belly fat quickly, you will also lose bodyfat faster as well
Do ab exercise help you to loose belly fat?
While the most popular answer to this question is no - the reality is that it is almost no. when it come to how to loose belly fat, ab exercises like any other exercises to lose belly fat tone the muscles and if your core is weak (which is typical if you have excess belly fat) the you will greatly benefit in strengthening them.
By making your stomach muscles stronger you actually make them Bigger not in the big belly fat way, but in the toned, slim, six pack way
When it comes to losing belly fat it does not matter if you are a man or women, the best exercises to lose belly fat are resistance exercises like barbells, dumbells resistance bands and kettlebells. These will help you lose excess belly fat faster than any other exercise male or female. The types of exercise to lose belly fat that are most effective are those that incorporate the use of as many muscles as possible.
By combining ab exercises along with regular resistance training and cardio how to losing fat becomes a simple thing to do. Regular exercise will also allow you to be more liberal with you diet so you can enjoy more food while losing some serious stomach fat
Exercises to lose belly fat along with a good diet will help you reach your goal of fitness and get into great shape in as little as 90 days
exercises to lose belly fat
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