You want to lose belly fat fast but like most people you don't have the time or patience to do endless hours of jogging, walking or going to the gym And even the thought of spending a half hour on the stairmaster or lifecycle is boring. Besides, it looks like that takes a long time to
be effective and not a way to lose belly fat fast
Here is your eight week solution to lose belly fat fast:
Declare an all out cardio blitz to lose belly fat fast. This blitz will show you how to loose belly fat faster than any other cardio workout that you will ever see at the gym in a fraction of the time. The premise is simple: Instead of wasting half of your day lazily jogging on a lifecycle listening to your Ipod or reading the newspaper while "losing belly fat fast" hoping not to die of boredom first.
You are going to amp up your routine dramatically by alternating 20 seconds of maximum effort followed by 10 seconds to rest. Do eight of these interval reps with a preceding five minute warm-up and cool-down of lite jogging. The total time to do this fat burning workout is approx. 15 minutes. No time to read the paper while you workout anymore This really works to lose belly fat fast
Why is this so effective to lose belly fat fast ?
When you compare this workout to your ordinary aerobic workout you will actually burn more calories while doing the long and boring traditional cardio routine, it's what happens after the high intensity program that makes it so effective in losing not only belly fat, but overall body fat. Every High intensity workout like this will have your metabolism losing fat for up to 48 hours.
Following this approach to lose belly fat fast will improve your cardiovascular health goals faster as well. you will get fitter in less time High intensity interval training is the preferred way of training by top athletes in sports such as sprinting, boxing, wrestling and basketball - notice the lean and muscular development in these individuals in contrast to marathon runners who look
weak and gaunt
There is no doubt about it, this eight week cardio blitz to lose belly fat fast will work, but be warned, this will kick your butt and anyone who attempts this will find out that the cardio blit is no joke. At the most follow this program every two days allowing your body to rest. Over training will delay your goal to lose belly fat fast and can result in injury. The best approach is to incorporate this exercise into your overall routine.
For instance: Monday, Wednesday and Friday train with weights or resistance then on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday perform the cardio blitz
The cardio blitz can be applied to many different exercises like running, lifecycle, stairstepper, kettlebells, and the treadmill. just find something that you can enjoy doing for 15 grueling minutes. Hopes this helps in your quest to lose belly fat fast
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